How to Reset Canon Pixma MP450 Resetter & Manual

Labels: Canon Resetter 2 comments

There are two methods to reset canon MP450. Manually and using MPtools software to full reset. This reset methods to solve proble “Ink absorber is full” or “Error Code 5B00”. Besides be used as resetter for Canon MP450, MPtool also can be used as resetter for canon MP150, MP160, MP170, MP180, MP450, MP460.

Canon MP450

Before using MPTool resetter you must doing manual reset on the printer Canon. Why you need manual reset? it help the software to detect printer properly. But if the software resetter can detect the Canon Pixma 450 you can skip the manual reset.

Reset manually on Canon Pixma MP450 Printer

    Resetting canon pixma MP450, this methode reset to rese4t waste ink counter in the printer Canon Pixma MP450. Here how:

    • You must start with printer off and power cable connected to eectric source.
    • While press and hold Resume/Cancel button press POWER button- led indicator light in green color.
    • While hold Power button, release Resume/Cancel button.
    • press Resume/Cancel button for 2 times, while hold POWER button, after that, release all button.
    • When led indicator will be lit in GREEN - press Resume/Cancel for 4 times!
    • Turn off the canon pixma mp450 using POWER button.

Reset using Mptool Software to Reset Coupon on Canon Pixma MP450

  • First step you must download latest version MPTool software on this link.
  • Turn on printer then run MPtool software. The software MP resetter should automatically detect your canon printer connected to computer.
  • To reset waste ink counter in the canon MP450 click RESET MAIN and RESET PLATEN button in the waste ink counter section.
  • To reset ink level click reset black and reset color in the ink counter section.

Still got the counter problem. Try again the steps above you may miss the important steps. Or got your printer to printer technician.

2 Responses to "How to Reset Canon Pixma MP450 Resetter & Manual"

Anonymous June 22, 2011 at 9:03 AM

Copy says turn of printer. Not sure if that means turn off (dropped second f) or if it means turn on (mistyped letter)

Anonymous July 31, 2011 at 11:41 AM

It most likely means "turn on" since the printer is not detected when switched off...
Tried the MPTool resetter with 3rd-party Cartridges which are in "not recognized" state on the printer and it doesn't work for that.
Same with manual reset.